Perverting the course of justice

If you are under suspicion or have been charged with the serious offence of perverting the course of justice, it is essential to speak to an experienced solicitor as soon as possible. The team at Purcell Parker have extensive experience in defending perverting the course of justice investigations in all aspects of criminal law, including white collar cases where we apply discretion as well as expertise to every case we work on.

Specialist white collar defence in Birmingham 

Our city centre location means we’re ideally located for many of our professional clients. However, when it comes to discussing what will inevitably be a complicated and stressful matter, we understand that you may wish to meet at a time or place of your choosing, which can be outside the West Midlands.

At all times discretion is paramount as we work with you to preserve your good reputation. As well as defending any case against you, we can provide expert advice if you are worried about potential proceedings against you. Seeking legal advice at the earliest possible stage does not implicate you in any wrongdoing, and indeed doing so may mean the matter can be settled at an early stage with the minimum of disruption to your life.

Paying for your legal defence

Legal aid is not normally available for perverting the course of justice cases in a business crime context. However, if you have a legal battle ahead, where possible, we will provide you with a competitive fixed-fee quote.

What is perverting the course of justice?

Also known as ‘obstruction of justice’, taking steps to knowingly interfere with the fair ruling of the law either in relation to a charge against you or another party is a criminal offence, which can have serious consequences, ranging from a fine to a life sentence in the most serious of cases. After all, court cases are expensive, labour-intensive processes so a judge will always take a dim view of someone who deliberately tries to derail the serving of justice to serve their own ends.

Examples include:

  • Hiding evidence relevant to a police investigation or criminal trial
  • Falsely accusing somebody of committing an offence, either to cover up a crime or motivated by malice
  • Interfering with witnesses or members of a jury in order to influence the outcome of a case
  • Threatening witnesses or members of a jury in order to influence the outcome of a criminal trial
  • Giving false evidence in an interview with the authorities or in court
  • Providing a false alibi to someone accused of a crime

In a business crime context, accusations of perverting the course of justice often arise in relation to hiding, destroying or tampering with accounts or documents in order to conceal a white collar crime such as embezzlement, tax evasion or false accounting. This can be an incredibly difficult area of the law to navigate, with the possibility of misunderstandings, mistakes and coercion within companies a very real one.

It is also often the case that instances of perverting the course of justice can arise when individuals or businesses act in an out-of-character way in order to cover up an error or a business crime that has been motivated by dire financial need. Regardless of the circumstances, the white collar crime solicitors at Purcell Parker will be on your side to secure the best possible outcome for your case, where appropriate using any mitigating factors.

Find out more today

Purcell Parker’s experienced team can support you every step of the way as you work to preserve your good name. For more information please call 0121 236 9781 or fill in our contact form.