Jan 29, 2019 | Driving without due care and attention, Motoring offences
The issue of driving without due care and attention has been making headlines thanks to the Duke of Edinburgh’s unfortunate accident in which his Range Rover was involved in a collision with another vehicle containing two women and a baby near the Sandringham Estate...
Jan 9, 2019 | Drink driving, Motoring offences, Speeding
The first question we hear from clients who have been accused of a motoring offence such as speeding or drink driving is ‘will I lose my licence?’ Every case we deal with is different, so there is rarely a short or straightforward answer to that question. However, the...
Dec 19, 2018 | Drink driving, Motoring offences, Speeding
A motoring offence is by far the most common reason for usually law-abiding people to find themselves falling foul of the law. Of these offences around 70% are related to speeding. The possible consequences of a motoring offence varies hugely according to how serious...